Turning 65? Here is a to do list to help you stay on track!
6 Months BEFORE you turn 65
Learn the Medicare basics and determine if you should enroll in Medicare part B if you are still working.
Determine if a Medigap or Medicare Advantage plan is right for you. Compare premiums, out-of-pocket exposure, and any additional benefits with each option.
Determine if you will qualify for any additional benefits.
Calculate expected monthly premiums and out of pocket costs (such as prescription costs, deductibles, or copays).
3 months BEFORE you turn 65
Enroll in Parts A & B online unless you are delaying Part B.
Check the status of your Medicare enrollment through the Social Security online site (ssa.gov)
Enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan. Make sure you also have creditable or part D coverage.